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Questions and Answers.
As the title suggests this page outlines some of the questions you should ask your insurance company and then decide if you are happy with their response before you start a policy with them. The idea of this page is to highlight common problems and issues faced by policy holders.
We have listed each question and linked to another page for our explanation why this may be an issue or become a problem. You may choose to accept a given policy and company on recommendation, from another source or from direct selling. Whatever way we feel that by raising the following points we are hopefully making you more aware of what equine insurance involves and how you can ask the right questions to better enable you to make the best choice.
The following list is in no particular order of importance.
1. What is your company's policy concerning referral to a hospital or specialist practice? - read more Point 1
2. What is your company's policy on specialist diagnostic techniques like MRI and Gamma Scintigraphy? - read more Point 2
3. Does your policy have an upper age limit for insurance cover for my horse? - read more Point 3
4. What is your maximum amount of cover per claim? - read more Point 4
5. What is your excess per claim, is it a fixed amount or a percentage of the claim total? - read more Point 5
6. Does your policy cover additional fees like hospital livery and transport costs? - read more Point 6
7. Does your policy cover for alternative therapies and farriery if recommended by your veterinary surgeon? - read more Point 7
8. What is your policy concerning exclusions and how are these applied? - read more Point 8
9. What is your company's approach to colic cover? - read more Point 9
10. Who are your underwriters? - read more Point 10.
11. Do you automatically exclude certain conditions or problems and if so what? - read more Point 11
12. Will you require any paperwork from me e.g. vetting certificates if I submit a claim? - See Getting Started above.
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